IBS Inc.

Who We Are

Our brand is our identity. It represents our values and purpose. Our brand is our DNA.


These guidelines serve as a practical guide for the proper use of the Intelligent Bio Solutions brand. The Intelligent Bio Solutions brand is a valuable asset that helps identify and establish Intelligent Bio Solutions among our stakeholders and the public. To maintain the integrity of the brand, its application must be consistent.

We leverage the power of biotechnology to develop transformative, accurate solutions that improve the quality of life.

Our Mission

To redefine the approach to testing and deliver pain-free, accessible solutions that drive transformative change and improve the quality of life.

Our Vision

Healthcare that transcends barriers to access and provides value through innovation. A strengthened landscape in which all individuals have equal passage to simplified health and well-being solutions.

Our Values

Our guiding principles and fundamental beliefs.


We do not waver from the ethics and values engrained in our culture.


We are determined and focused. We are wholly committed to our purpose and pursue it with grit.


We create to drive transformation and lasting change.


We develop practical solutions using the skills of our people, their wisdom, and the assets available to us.


We embrace the learnings of our challenges. We adapt. We pivot. We respond.


We work together for a common purpose, always.

Our Personality

The human characteristics that define our brand and to which our audience can relate.


We are down to earth and clear. We are to the point on a human level.


We are trustworthy and respectful. We are true to ourselves and our purpose.


We are innovative. We are informed. We value technical expertise and education.


We are hard working and driven. We value success. We are dependable.