IBS Inc.

Our Voice

Tone of Voice

Our tone of voice is the way in which we communicate – the way we speak and write, what we say and how we say it. What we say is guided by our values, mission and vision; how we say it is informed by our personality.

Consistency in language builds trust. The more consistent we are, the better understood we are. Our tone of voice should be reflected across all we do and transparent in every interaction.

Tone of voice doesn’t mean writing everything the same way. Rather, it means we should always apply our personality and adapt it contextually.

Our Voice

Our voice is neutral and direct. We speak a language relatable to a global audience. We demonstrate expertise and professionalism without using industry jargon or unnecessary word choices. We are transparent about what we do and speak with confidence using language that is authentic and aligned with our values.

Overall Tone

Neutral & Direct

This tone of voice doesn’t mince words. It gets straight to the point, using the active rather than passive voice. There’s no room for guessing when using neutral and direct language. The tone is clear and thorough yet respectful. It implements proper writing and grammar, while steering clear of slang.

There’s no unnecessary wording or unique word choices to distract from the main idea. The overall neutral and direct tone connects to a broader audience and positions Intelligent Bio Solutions as a reputable organization.

Straightforward Tone

Straightforward tone is direct and honest. It is understandable and avoids any unnecessary word choices. Straightforward tone gets to the point and is easily understood. It does not over-simplify or lack substance.

Authentic Tone

An authentic tone helps to build trust and credibility. This attribute should strike a balance with intelligent tone, meaning the tone should avoid any level of condescension and the language should be direct and understandable to the reader.

Reliable Tone

Reliable tone demonstrates social connection and awareness.

A reliable voice is the mark of a strong organization. It is listened to and trusted. It does not make exaggerated claims. It lets audiences know what it stands for and what it stands against.

Intelligent Tone

An intelligent tone imparts knowledge and information. It conveys a strong understanding of the product and where necessary explains industry specific words or concepts to demonstrate both mastery and accessibility. We use accurate information and up to date statistics.

Active Voice

We write using the active voice. The active voice demonstrates confidence, and promotes clarity and precision in writing. Consequently, this builds trust. The active voice clearly identifies who is performing an action. Every sentence has a subject, a verb, and often an object.

Subject: the person, place or thing that is doing the action

Verb: the action or the thing that is being done

Object: the person, place or thing receiving the action

Active writing rule of thumb: S V O (Subject acts on object).


A: The Biosensor was developed by Intelligent Bio Solutions.
B: Intelligent Bio Solutions developed the Biosensor.

A: The presentation was delivered by the CEO.
B: The CEO delivered the presentation.

Core Messaging

Redefining the approach to testing.

Pioneering pain-free solutions.

Simple. Painless. Affordable.

Accurate, accessible, transformative solutions.

Real-time, point-of-care testing.

Simplified health and well-being solutions.

Writing Tips

Keep it Simple

Explain difficult things in simple ways, strip the complexity back.

Use everyday terms, avoid jargon, legal terms, or acronyms (where possible).

Short, simple sentences are always better than long, complicated ones.

Structure and Subheadings

Structure information so it’s arranged into logical sections. Use subheadings to break content up into clearly defined sections.

Active Voice

Use active voice. Passive sentence structures make writing harder to understand.

Write Positively

Use positive language and avoid negative word choices.


We use American spelling. Stick to Z instead of S – ize not ise.

Abbreviations and Acronyms

Try not to use internal abbreviations in external communications. Think about whether people will understand them and if there’s a more natural way to say it.

If you have to use an acronym that people might not be familiar with, always spell it out in the first instance and place the abbreviation in brackets.

Omit periods and spaces in common abbreviations except where this may cause confusion (e.g. if writing US in a line of capitals, the periods may be necessary to distinguish it from the word ‘us’, in this example using USA is preferable). 

Omit periods in initials of organizations, political divisions and countries (CSIRO, UK, NSW). 


Small numbers ranging from one to ten should be spelled out. Larger numbers (i.e., above ten) are written as numerals.


Write dates as Month Day, Year (e.g., January 18, 2024)

The Ampersand (&)

Use ‘and’ within body text rather than the ampersand. The ampersand can be used in headlines and social media when you need to keep your headline/post as short as possible.

How To Reference

Referencing the Company

  • When referencing the company to an external party (whether spoken or via text or email), please use the full company name: Intelligent Bio Solutions. 
  • In U.S. written communications (e.g., press releases and news articles), use the full company name, as registered in the USA: ‘Intelligent Bio Solutions Inc.’, defined as “IBS Inc.” thereafter.  
  • Intelligent Bio Solutions is a medical technology company not a biotechnology company or life sciences company. 

Referencing Intelligent Fingerprinting

Intelligent Fingerprinting is a wholly owned subsidiary of Intelligent Bio Solutions. 

Referencing our Drug Screening Technology

The system as a whole:  

  • Intelligent Fingerprinting Drug Screening System  
  • Intelligent Drug Screening Solution 
  • Drug Screening Technology


The system components: 

  • Intelligent Fingerprinting Cartridge or ‘Cartridge’ or ‘Drug Screening Cartridge’ 
  • Intelligent Fingerprinting DSR-Plus Reader or ‘Reader’ or ‘DSR-Plus Reader’


Use of the word ‘impairment’: 

  • The word impairment should not be used to make bold statements such as ‘the system screens for impairment at the time of testing’. Instead, try to use language such as ‘the system screens for potential impairment at the time of testing’.
  • Try to use ‘fit for duty’ as a substitute for the word impairment. ‘The system targets if an employee is fit for duty at the time of testing


Correct reference of drugs tested by the reader:

  • Cannabis (THC), not Marijuana 
  • Opiates, not Opioids
  • Cocaine 
  • Methamphetamine


Correct reference of the collection method:

  • Fingerprint sweat 
  • Sweat from the fingertips


Referencing the Conformité Européene (CE) Mark:

  • CE Mark or CE Marking (not CE Marked)